The Last Night at the Foley – 19th December 2008
Click here to view photos from the night
And so we were gathered beneath the be-cobwebbed roof for the last time, to savour the last of the Old and look forward afresh to the New. Outside all was quiet, inside the opposite. Maggie introduced the proceedings by announcing that Youngs Brewery had very kindly given a generous donation to help us in our move. Hooray, the spirit of Christmas is alive and well! There may not be room at the old inn anymore but now the star burns brightly in the not-too-distance. Seriously, this will be put to good use buying all the necessary bits we need - like staging, storage, decor, lighting and various bits and widgets - to set up in our new home.
And so to music and merriment. A last song each from a few of the mainstays - Ian Palmer, Peter Whitehead, Jenny Dalton and a duet from Bob Wood and Elaine Claxton - and then it was the very reverent Omega 3. Newly-revitalised, Derek, Clive & new boy Graham are still up for it and are not for growing old gracefully! They started with a clever bit of washing-line paper tearing as a 'Farewell Foley' banner appeared before our very eyes, then launched into what they do best - gentle musical madness to accompany the last chimes of the Foley wine. Pictures say it better than mere words, so have a look below.
A quick interval and then Soiree (Sue Graves, Hector Gilchrist and Steve Poole) opened the second half with a seasonal song - Emily Smith’s beautiful 'Winter Song'. Then on came the Omegas again, by now dangerously high on Sanatogen and glucosamine. Ukuleles to the fore and backs to the all-seeing Ram, they gave a fantastic performance that was exactly right for the occasion.
And to end it all the earliest known residents of the club, Carole and Alan Prior, sent us on our way with the last song ever to be sung at the Old Place - 'Bound To Go' (watch videos of the speech and the song). A last linger, lots of photos, embraces, a last ceremonial roll up of the Ram backdrop and then we were gone...
... to pastures new.
Click here for some photos of the night...
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